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Homeschooling Tutors

Homeschooling Tutors Who Are The Best In The World

We are big believers in homeschooling tutors and have had the wonderful opportunity to work with a number of homeschooling families. After all, if it was good enough for Aristotle, Alexander the Great and the Dalai Lama, it must be a pretty great educational practice!

To us, homeschooling represents the best of all possible worlds – allowing your student to grow towards their own interests and at the speed which fits them best. However, homeschooling doesn’t mean you have to stay home and work with your son or daughter yourself. We are here with the very best teachers in NYC to help your student grow!

In the past, we have worked with some homeschooling families providing all of the teachers, and we have worked with other homeschooling families where we provide a teacher for a particular subject. We have worked with 2nd grade through high school level students and have been called on at every stage – from designing curriculum, to exploring interests, to day to day teaching, to fun exploratory projects. We also help families navigate the nyc bureaucracy for earning homeschooling credits – and as our teachers are certified this process is made even easier.

Do write to us if you are considering homeschooling tutors or have questions about it. We are always happy to talk.

To explore more of our thoughts on homeschooling, click here.

If you would like to get started, please fill out our sign up form by clicking here.