Students with special needs need teachers who know how to teach with specific, research-based approaches. Our special needs tutors have experience working with students who have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Executive Functioning Disorder, Dyscalculia, Autism, Aspergers and other special needs.
All of our special needs tutors have both specialized training through their Master’s Degrees programs and they have experience working with a variety of special needs in the classroom.
Here in NYC, we are lucky to have some of the best special needs training programs in the country at Hunter and NYU, not to mention Columbia, and so we are able to find extremely well trained teachers who have chosen to make this their career path from the beginning.
In addition, from private and public schools that specialize in Autism and Dsyexia, to city programs that have a long history of working with students who need varied learning approaches, we live in a city that has a plethora of experienced teachers who know and have practiced the strategies that are most effective for different types of students.
While only neuro-pyschologists should provide full diagnostic reviews of special needs, our experienced teachers know the signs of learning difficulties and know how to work with students who have been diagnosed. We know how to assess student academic levels appropriately and our teachers are well versed in both structured curricula that are best for students and how to find high-interest material that is on the appropriate level for each student.
If you are searching for someone to turn to for professional diagnosis of special needs, we also have relationships with psychologists in the city whom we can recommend.
We take seriously the responsibility of responding to students who need specialized approaches. Please call us to speak in more depth about your child and we would be happy to talk at length.
To read about some of our journal articles on this, click here!