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Central Park Tutors Books


We are thrilled to announce the upcoming publication of our first  book:

“Puzzles For Young Children:  Preparing Little Ones for Gifted & Talented Tests and Private School Admissions”

To order a copy of the book, please write to us at or go to the Amazon page here.

Today nearly all American children at the age of 4, 5 or 6 must take an “intelligence” test of some sort – whether to place into a gifted and talented program or a magnet school, a private school, a charter school, or within their public school to determine their academic track. The results of this test can have a profound impact on the resources and style of their future education – an impact that can last for years.

We have created this book of puzzles to help parents prepare their children for these tests, but it was also our fundamental intention to make something beautiful.

In the world of children’s literature, the joy of picture books and story-books that are beautiful to the eye and exciting to the imagination is well understood, yet so often in the world of education the beauty of materials is kicked down the road and the final materials children work with end up looking cheap, while interacting with them fails to excite their interest. What good are educational materials that can not capture the attention or ignite the volcanic curiosity of a child?

Our book is a compendium of puzzles broken down by the type of reasoning tested in kindergarten entrance programs. Thanks to the incredible work of Moroccan artist Otman Ali, who carefully created puzzles inspired by the styles of more than 50 of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, from Picasso to Klee, Mondrian to Matisse, each puzzle is also a work of art.

There are 90 puzzles included in the book, plus a forty page introductory text to parents on the natural genius of children’s learning strategies and thus how to use the puzzles most effectively. Such guidance is rare in the world of children’s materials, and again, sorely needed.

We are experienced educators in the highly competitive world of NYC tutoring and educational test preparation. Our company, Central Park Tutors, has been in existence for more than a decade, and we have helped numerous students of all ages prepare for educational tests. We have been featured in the NY TIMES, been hired by Columbia Teacher’s College and have worked with the most prestigious families in the world from more than 100 of NYC’s top private and public schools. We have a track record of helping student ace academic and intelligence tests, do well in school and become joyous learners.

We hope this Gifted and Talented Test and Private School Admissions Test book becomes the first of many books bearing the Central Park Tutors Books Imprint. Our goal- to offer the highest quality materials for children and parents to grow, to enjoy, and to become playful, extraordinary learners.

To order an advance copy of the book, please write to us at

To speak to us about preparing your child or school-class for gifted and talented tests, private school entrance tests or other test-prep or tutoring needs, please do write to us at and we will follow up with you right away.

To sign up for tutoring right away, please fill out our sign up form here: Tutoring Sign Up Form